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November 7, 2017 (edited)
Why are these BOOKS KEPT SECRET?
Where are your Authority to Deny People this Out of Print and Unknown Book? Are you a Stinking Book Hater? Why is this book HIDEEN?
I read this book in 1962 when CUBA MISSEL CRISIS was going on, I lived in PARIS, ARKANSAS, I was in 5th. grade. My Grandmother would not pay the Book cost $2.00.
She bought me "Lord of the Flies" instead. I went back a stole the book, from Rexall Drug Store. I got whipped with a Leather Horse's Bridle. For steal the book.
It is important book, bcause Yes, China is Soon agoin to CONCUREUOR America and Yes, we gonna be SLAVES. Whites will. negroes China think are brute beasts, and not worth the trouble of management. They will go the way of Jews under Adolph Hitler.
China loves the Jewish People, smart, clean, Kosher impresses the China people.
You notice in San Francisco """"ALL"""" Rich Childrens goes to CHINESE IMMURSION SCHOOLS, like out on Haight Street and Up on Clifornia by the Big Sunogogue.
China Public Relations want China to be Friendly fot the Jews after they (China) concoucquers America and Squishes the stupid White Pricks who are like, racist. callin Gooks and Slopes....and callin Jews nasty names.
Soon the White Bigot Ameri-coonish War Mongers will be in HARD SLAVERY BONDAGE, with No Great Yahweh to Liberate them/ Stupid christerns still deny Yahweh. who GOD is Ours who deliver We Jews from "HARD BONDAGE!"